Special Thanks

AARP Prime Time Radio is the distributor for Zydeco Nation. Fiscal sponsorship is provided by Deep Springs College and the International Documentary Association. This project was made possible with support from Cal Humanities, an independent non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. For more information, visit www.calhum.org.

Deep Springs College

Barry Yeoman

Barry Yeoman in Alameda, CA.

Barry Yeoman in Alameda, CA. Photo by John Noltner.

Producer Barry Yeoman developed his affection for the music of French Louisiana during the 1980s, when he wrote for The Times of Acadiana in Lafayette. He has attended numerous festivals, dance-hall performances, and rural Mardi Gras runs in the Pelican State.

Yeoman is a freelance journalist and radio documentarian based in Durham, North Carolina. His writing has appeared in O, The Oprah Magazine; AARP The Magazine; OnEarth; Audubon; Good Housekeeping; The New York Times; and many other publications. His web site is barryyeoman.com, and he can also be found on Twitter.

Yeoman’s radio work has focused largely on Louisiana culture. He reported and narrated the AARP Prime Time Radio special Voices of Katrina. He and Richard Ziglar produced a series of reports for Louisiana Public Broadcasting and KRVS-FM about the long-term impact of the BP oil spill. Yeoman and Ziglar’s last big documentary project was Still Singing the Blues, a two-hour, two-part series about South Louisiana’s rich but little-known blues tradition.